
Yep, that’s me. Thanks to my friend Paula, I attended an industry screening a few weeks ago…and there it was. Oscar. Oscar, standing gold and tall. That may be the closest I will EVER come to being near an Academy Award. << Sigh! >> But it doesn’t mean I can’t write about it.

OSCAR ( II )Can you imagine standing before your peers on the biggest night in Hollywood receiving the Academy Award from members who voted for you. All your hard work and your family’s sacrifices propel you to this moment, and there you are.  You painted with light, you built sets to the millimeter of perfection. The hours of lonely research to find out what folks wore in the 19th, 18th, 17th century. Think about the collaboration with your friends and drinking buddies and tradespeople to create a world that does…not…exist. Consider the courage and fear to say truths no one wants to hear; to show beauty and evil in all its majestic glory. Think about the composer who is watching your film, and adds the musical emotion to your work. Think about that editor who jump cuts from an ape with a bone into a space and a universe in a future we have yet to live in. Think about your teachers who taught you to think critically; to think beyond your experiences…or to get those experiences down on paper and you not caring if haters or critics understand you as long as you can understand yourself.


That’s you. That…is…you…standing before this audience, standing before the world that’d be interested to watch. So many people to thank, who helped you get up on that stage. You receive a standing ovation. Their applause washes over you and warms you and encourages you. For that moment, my God what would that feel like, especially if you know in your heart and soul, that you did the best job you could do to bring it all to life. It’s a dream I’ve dreamed. I have so much love for the Movies, for the fantasy. Yeah, haters gonna hate. I cannot allow “controversies” in my heart. Let others have that. At the end of the day it’s about the work. The work that you do privately or with others. But if you are lucky enough to receive an Academy Award…it is a blessing. A very wonderful acknowledgement.


There are Oscar snubs that will go down in history on the scale of Benedict Arnold. ( Oh yeah…that deep ).  For me, Garbo and Gable not winning for “Camille” and “Gone With the Wind” are crimes beyond all reason. And Bette Davis losing for “All About Eve” cuts me to the quick! But then again, there are Oscar wins that thrill me to no end. Yes I know the Oscars are subjective and political and whimsical. Some wins are deserved and some wins are like make up sex.

I combed through 87 years of Academy Award history to pick my ten favorite performances from the big four categories ( Actor / Actress, Best Supporting Actor / Actress. ) I’ve also picked a list of my favorite Best Picture-winning movies. Why would I want to do this? For your enjoyment and derision, of course. Look, either great minds think alike…or one of us is batty. And I think we know the answer to that one. So here, for better or worse, are my favorite performances in chronological order. Now I know the temptation will be great for you to tell me who I left out. ( Crikey, that’s that glass half-empty thing again! ) But tell me what YOUR choices would be. I really want to know. My choices are purely emotional and personally resonate with me. These are performances I could watch repeatedly.


<—–This poster is above my desk at home.
Now…let let me tell you who I think the Oscar will go to for the motion picture performances of 2014. Check back here tomorrow to see how wrong I am:

Best Picture… “Boyhood”
Best Director.. Alejandro Iñárritu (“Birdman”)
Best Actor….. Michael Keaton (“Birdman” – though I’m rooting for Eddie Redmayne)
Best Actress…Julianne Moore ( “Still Alice”- though I’m rooting for the very daring Rosemund Pike for “Gone Girl” )
Best Supp. Actor….. J.K. Simmons
( “Whiplash” )
Best Supp. Actress……Patricia Arquette
( “Boyhood” )

NEXT: My Favorite Performances for BEST ACTOR…

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4 thoughts on “CineMaven’s OSCAR EXTRAVAGANZA!!!

  1. Bravo, T. I’m still fuming over GIGI, a static bore, having won best picture over THE DEFIANT ONES, (’58) as well as CRASH (not a bad film, btw) over Brokeback Mountain. And (gasp!) MIA FARROW not even nominated for Rosemary’s Baby, thanks to Frank Sinatra, who campaigned AGAINST her. (long story) I like your choices.


    • Thank you Rob. Again, I thank you for reading my blog and offering your comments. I fume alongside you, brother, with what you’ve named above. The Academy is not a brave body of people. “Brokeback Mountain” was a fantastic film. There’s so many years they get it wrong. ( I’m going to my grave howling against Garbo not winning for “Camille” and Gable not winning for “Gone With the Wind” ). But I s’pose there are soooo many years that the Academy got it right. ( “The Silence of the Lambs” is a case in point ). I’ll be watching tonight, but breaking from tradition. Instead of being alone with my Haagen-Dazs ( Rum Raisin ) and all the lights out in my little apartment, I will go to an Oscar party in the city, if my friend goes. I will throw my self into an Oscar pool and drink myself silly so I won’t be pissed at the snark and sarcasm that will surely make itself known in a bar full of drunks. And the Oscar goes to…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting, entertaining blog Theresa! I like your choices for wins tonight, especially rooting for Rosamund Pike! (But you’re right; Julianne Moore will likely win!) As far as those who “were robbed” in the past, I have to say I thought Spielberg deserved to win as Best Director for “The Color Purple.” Loved that film! Incredible acting and direction! Have fun tonight and don’t drink too much! 🙂


    • Liza, thank you so much. I’m glad you liked it. Yeah, Rosamund Pike did a fantastic job, but what Academy likes a cold blooded calculating killer dame, I ask you. Spielberg did a great job with “The Color Purple” but I guess politics got in the way. (( Sigh! )) Last night was about a series of causes: racial equality, women’s right to fair & equal pay, ALS, Alzheimer and Immigration. All worthy issues. I basically enjoyed the show. But I have to tell you, I don’t know if I can EVER promise not to drink too much. Thanks for your comment. 😀


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