For my “HOT & BOTHERED” blogathon contribution, Ernst Lubitsch is the way to go. Why, this cheeky devil was able to slip all sorts of sexy mischief into Pre-Code films like “Design for Living” ( 1933 ) “The Smiling Lieutenant” ( 1931 ) or “The Merry Widow” ( 1934 ). He does so again with this film…


Jewel thieves Herbert Marshall and Miriam Hopkins are partners-in crime ( are they even married? I s’pose they’re deliciously NOT in the wonderful world of pre-code ) in 1932Trouble in Paradise.” They are a deee-light to watch (…and trust me, no one is more shocked to hear me say that than me ) as they go after the big Kahuna, the raven-haired Kay Francis. Watching Marshall and Hopkins is like watching a tennis or fencing match; they volley’d and parried. Their oneupsmanship was as precise as a Swiss watch. Lying and stealing were compulsive for them. They couldn’t help themselves. Hopkins has to actually sit on her hands to keep from stealing Francis’ jewels.



When I first got a gander of Miriam Hopkins, I got scared. “Here we go,” I thought. “She’s all affected again.” When Lubitsch reveals her ruse, I laugh and relax and realize she’s handling the comedy very nicely. ( Uh-oh, I guess it’s time for me to break out “Design for Living”, huh? Baby steps, please. ) When she plays her scene with Francis, she’s pitch perfect. She’s now the dowdy secretary with horn-rimmed glasses after we’ve seen her in some stunning and devastating outfits. She has to play it cool, but they both understand each other in that way we women do when we’re competing for the same man. In their case, that man is Herbert Marshall.


Who knew Marshall was spry and nimble ( though I know it wasn’t actually him bounding and sprinting up and down those stairs. ) He had a nimble way with the language of ‘sophisticated comedy’ and spoke it well. Why didn’t somebody tell me? His deadpan delivery and erudite diction works surprisingly well here. I say surprisingly because it’s a surprise to me, never having seen him this way. The last two times I saw Herbert Marshall he was:

TROUBLE IN PARADISE ( %22Angel Face%22 )

(   1.  ) in a car going over a cliff in “Angel Face”  and



TROUBLE IN PARADISE ( %22The Little Foxes%22 )(  2. ) dying on a staircase in “The Little Foxes”  with Bette Davis’ words: “I’ll be waiting for you to die,” ringing in his ears.
( This right after she confesses that with all her heart she “still loves the man she killed,” in 1940’s “The Letter.” ) That’s the stiff, staid Herbie Marshall I know.

TROUBLE IN PARADISE ( XIV )Well here, in 1932, he’s nimble and sexy and a fast-talking, quick-thinker who talks his way out of any situation. He’s such a smooth talker, he turns the table on his accuser(s) until they are the ones who flee with guilt. He has a wonderful scene volleying with character actor C. Aubrey Smith. Marshall’s character should have been a politician instead of a thief; this way he could legally steal from his constituents…with their blessing!


Kay Francis is no piker in all this. Yes, she’s the “straight man” here; the girl who’s about to be taken. But she’s fallen for the charming Marshall. She puts her complete faith, trust and


business in his hands. He’s a cad, but why dont I dislike him? She woos him, somewhat vamps him. He thinks he’s out to get her, but she’s two steps ahead of him…walking towards her boudoir. He’s falling for her. And she’s very smart.

What a handsome woman she is. I was struck by her darkness; black gowns and that jet black hair. She makes me think of sable, or a raven. She’s regal and smoky. She made quite a contrast to Miriam Hopkins soft dewy blonde, who is also quite beautiful in this film. I hope it won’t be ( too ) sacrilegious to say Kay makes me think a bit of Suzanne Pleshette. Well, make that vice~versa, in coloring and “smokiness.”


The clothes in this movie are absolutely divine. Breathtaking. I’m not one who pays attention to clothes, but I would have killed for any one of Francis’ or Hopkins’ outfit- especially this black number that Francis wears. I can’t describe it, but I swear, I swooned a little in my movie theater seat. By the by, if fashion IS your thing, a good article for you to read all about Kay Francis and clothes, is in GlamAmor’s blog.

Clothes aside, I like that Francis’ character is oblivious to everything other than getting Marshall, but I think underneath she knows the score, and I like how this plays out. Lubitsch packs in a lot of plot while things move along swiftly. I like how he has a montage of servants responding to Francis, and a later montage of those same servants responding to Marshall. Lubitsch keeps the camera on a clock, and we just hear the voices in the scene, as time moves forward. He takes his time to let a character set up a joke so  when we hear the punchline later in the movie ( “TONSILS!” ) he trusts us to remember, and laugh. Oh he’s got The Touch alright. (( See the movie…find out what tonsils mean. ))


Last but not least, another find for me are these two: Edward Everett Horton and Charles Ruggles. They were hilarious together, and made perfect foils for each other as they tried to out do each other to win Francis’ hand. Neither stood a snowball’s chance, if tall dark and handsome were on the scene. But it was great fun to watch them try, and to see them annoy and outwit each other.

When the jig is up, the movie ends beautifully, perfectly…justly. The Lesson: we are all meant to be with whom we are meant to be with. I learned more than I bargained for from Lubitsch during this movie:

(  1. )  how to tell a story

(  2. )  how to present the story and

(  3. )  how to be a good sport when you lose the thing you
want…that’s not really meant for you. I shall hold Herbert
Marshall and Kay Francis as beacons in that regard.  

His situation is kind of sort of somewhat similar Rosalind Russell’s Hildy Johnson in His Girl Friday. Like her, he too must choose between two ways of life: guaranteed Stability or devil-may-care-Adventure. He’s a jewel thief going after big game: Kay Francis. He becomes enamored of her, flirts with the idea of being in love with her, falls into her lifestyle of the rich. But he’s also in a relationship with fellow traveler, Miriam Hopkins. ( They ‘meet cute’ in a thiefly sort of way. ) Push comes to shove for him and he has to choose between the stability and wealth of Francis world or the exhilaration of the game with Hopkins.  And don’t we all have to make a choice sometimes.

“Trouble in Paradise is my saucy bit of pre-code fluff to contribute to the blogathon I’m co-hosting with Aurora, author of the Once Upon A Screen blog. If you want to continue to be…hot and bothered ~  ( and who doesn’t ) ~ all you have to do is click on the banner below to see our roster of entries of like~minded, pre~code lovin’ fans. Enjoy!

HOT & BOTHERED BLOGATHON ~ ( Sign of the Cross )


[   H O M E    ]


30 thoughts on “TROUBLE IN PARADISE ( 1932 )

  1. A great account of a movie that, like Ms Detour, I should have seen. Off to Dailymotion for me, too.

    I’ll be posting my contribution to Hot & Bothered on Saturday. However, I’ve just been writing about another Miriam Hopkins movie, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (1931/2), for the SF Countdown at Wonders in the Dark. Small world!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. In his uncanny way Lubitsch gives us just the right amount of time with each character and plot – no one or nothing outstays its welcome. Often we’d like more, but if we were truthful, we would have to say we were completely satisfied.

    Do you think Edward Everett Horton and Charlie Ruggles could ever have imagined that their career paths would lead them both to something called “Bullwinkle”?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Day 1 – HOT AND BOTHERED: The Films of 1932 – Once upon a screen…

    • Thanks so much Carol. I’ve come to appreciate both these zany pixies in recent years. I really enjoyed their teamwork in this Lubitsch gem. Thanks so much. Look forward to reading YOUR contribution to our blogathon with your entry of RAIN.”


  4. If someone held me at gunpoint and forced me to state my favorite movie of all time I would likely confess to this one. It’s just so perfect in every way. I get more out of it each time I watch. You captured everything that was special about it with the unique enthusiasm and insight of the first time viewer. Thanks for a treat!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Jocelyn…thanks for the high praise, you who have seen this film a number of times. I’m hoping you won’t EVER be forced to have to name your favorite movie at the point of a gun. ( L0L! ) But who can go wrong with Lubitsch. Thank you very much for taking the time to read and write me.


  5. Oh, how I love this movie! It was the first time I’d ever seen Miriam Hopkins, so I fell in love with her here and then discovered that when she’s not reigned in by Lubitsch, I don’t love her half as much. Then again, I suppose she’s doing what she needs to, because when Bette Davis shakes the stuffing out of her character in Old Acquaintance, I cheer.

    As for Herbert Marshall, I had seen him in other things and been underwhelmed, but then fell for him here. I guess this is why people should sample a whole filmography and not give up on someone after a mediocre performance.

    I think you’ll like Design for Living. It’s more about sex, but strangely, I think that Trouble in Paradise is the sexier film.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Sarah…I’ve just read a couple of people say they thought “Trouble…” was sexier than “Design…” I tend to agree with them. ( Yes, I have seen “Design for Living” ~ Maybe two different male leads, maybe would have helped… ). I’ve seen Miriam Hopkins in other movies and have a hard time with her. THIS is actually the first time I can say “Miriam…you go, girl!” She was wonderful. ( I remember Bette shaking the….uh….stuffing out of Hopkins. I’m sure she wanted to do a re-take. ) But so far for me, with Hopkins it’s “Trouble in Paradise” “The Story of Temple Drake” and “The Smiling Lieutenant.” I like Herbert Marshall. He’s a bit of a stuffed shirt in movies, but he has such regal bearing…I like his stuffiness.” Besides, we have other male leads who can really get the job done. Oh yeah, Lubitsch won me over with THIS one. Thanks for reading and commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: HOT & BOTHERED: The Films of 1932 | CineMaven's ESSAYS from the COUCH

  7. You make an excellent point about trust: Lubitsch trusts us to “get” the film, and we trust him to deliver.

    So many things to love about this one – the script, the cast, the wardrobe. I’m not sure if I’m a huge Kay Francis fan, but I really like her performance here.

    You’ve made me want to see this again, with all your vivid descriptions. I think the above-mentioned Daily Motion link is going to see a spike in traffic this week!


  8. A most scintillating post! I saw this film for the first time in class this year, and I still can’t get over the clever shot of their shadows on the bed.


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